Yuruk (Yörük) is Turk. It derives from the Turkish word ‘yurumek’ (walking). Its essence, ancestors and background is from Middle Asia. Its means of livelihood is animal raising.
Our people have come to love and integrate with their animals, which are the means of their livelihood, and with the nature which feeds them to such an extent that this beloved understanding, this enthusiastic perception has led to the love for humans and the “hospitability” of Turks which is worldwide accepted and appreciated.

With the life and livelihood which had been full of love and happiness in spite of the hardships in the natural environment of Middle Asia and our people moved onto the search for themselves and their animals which is full of longing after the change of climate and the conditions’ becoming inappropriate for leading life in the Middle Asia and came to Anatolia which was ornamented with plateaus and winter shelter areas and they continued that nomadic life which was full of enthusiasm and happiness, which was also a result of their economy. They brought that fundamental desire for living and the happiness into their house (tent) which they weaved with their own hands even far before when they were in Middle Asia.

They transferred the hairs and wool of their animals which they dyed with the colours they had obtained from the roots of the plants onto their rugs, carpets, felts, saddlebags, pillow, coloumn, food bags, and the headscarves with the motives they acquired from nature and the animals they raised and which they stylized from their evolution of life with a great kindness, skill, plainness and grace, so they turned their house into a real jollification of happiness and colors. Yuruk tent is a symbol of the pleasure of Turkish people, their incorporation with the nature, and of the fact that their happiness and beauty are kneaded with the love and the respect for nature, so has been a symbol and a summary of a long established culture.

This long established and rich life style were active until 40-50 years ago all around Anatolia in the plateaus, shelters, and in hundreds of tents, whereas it has, today, come to the phase of becoming extinct due to the conditions of our century and various other reasons.Until recently, life style of the people of Kemer in Teke region was so colourful, friendly and beautiful.

In those days when Yuruks lived in mass, each Yuruk group had a leader. The leader was the chieftain, ruler of the community, which is the group of nomads amongst which he live. Unlike other Yuruk houses, the house of Yuruk Ruler used to be larger and comfortable. Important meetings used to be held in there, decisions used to be made in there and the guests used to be entertained in that tent. No matter who were the guest, they were important and regarded as the guest of the Ruler who was the leader of the group of the nomads, the self esteem of them.

Marriage was a very holy foundation in Yuruks whose traditions and customs were as rooted as their lifestyles. It was valued very much. Respect for the equality of men an women was a requirement of this foundation and lifestyle. Love and respect for woman was unlimited. The first night of the wedding used to be spent in a white tent – unlike from other tents which are in black – that used to be weaved specially for the young men of the community.



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